E94 DEFAULT Monti Pierre Kube
I194 DEFAULT Pike GladiATR, Diamant ATR Pike Technologies
I193 DEFAULT Pressing tool FLUXANA GmbH
I192 DEFAULT laboratory press Maassen
I191 DEFAULT balance Kern
I190 DEFAULT Vulcan Fusion Machine HD Elektronik und Elektrotechnik GmbH
I189 DEFAULT X-ray fluorescence spectrometer S8-TIGER BRUKER AXS
I188 DEFAULT Raman spectroscopy WITec
I187 DEFAULT Germanium accessory Perkin Elmer
I186 DEFAULT PE100 Perkin Elmer
D119 DEFAULT H2-TPR of S83 Baris Alkan
I185 DEFAULT Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer Bruker
I184 DEFAULT Scanning Electron Microscope Hitachi
E92 DEFAULT Hitachi SEM s4800 Wiebke Frandsen
E90 DEFAULT Bruker D8 Advance (Franklin) Frank Girgsdies, Jasmin Allan
E89 DEFAULT #Talos F200X Christian Rohner
C2 DEFAULT Nickel(II) nitrate hexahydrate Nickel(II)nitrat Hexahydrat
P12 DEFAULT Handbook AmmoRef project Saskia Heumann, Holger Ruland, Annette Trunschke, et al.
D115 DEFAULT XRD of S82 C. Marshall, F. Girgsdies
D114 DEFAULT ATR-IR of S82 C. Marshall
C1 DEFAULT Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (empty) Magnesiumnitrat Hexahydrat (empty)
I183 DEFAULT Thermostat Julabo
P11 DEFAULT Optimax Training CP Marshall
E88 DEFAULT Optimax Synthesis Workstation Marshall
D112 DEFAULT SEM of S83 Gregor Koch, Baris Alkan
D111 DEFAULT EDX-SEM of S83 Gregor Koch, Baris Alkan
D110 DEFAULT TEM of S83 Kassiogé Dembélé
I182 DEFAULT Rotary vane pump (Drehschieberpumpe) Netzsch/Emerson
I181 DEFAULT Mass spectrometer (Massenspektrometer) Pfeiffer Vacuum
I180 DEFAULT Refrigerated/Heating Circulator (Kühlthermostat) Julabo
I179 DEFAULT Thermobalance Libra (Thermowaage) Netzsch
E87 DEFAULT Netzsch TG 209 F1 Libra Andrey Tarasov, Jasmin Allan
D109 DEFAULT TG-MS of S83 B. Alkan, J. Allan
D107 DEFAULT Raman of S83 Baris Alkan, Shan Jiang, C. Marshall
G17 DEFAULT 20 Vol-% hydrogen in argon 20 Vol-% Wasserstoff in Argon
D105 DEFAULT XRF of S83 Alkan, B.; Timpe, O.
E86 DEFAULT Autosorb Degasser Konstantinos Kappis
P10 DEFAULT Betriebsanweisungen/ Notaus /Abschaltungsschema #BET M. Hashagen
E85 DEFAULT Autosorb 6B MP Konstantinos Kappis
D104 DEFAULT BET of S83 L.Franke, J. Deichmann, C.Marshall
D103 DEFAULT XRD of S83 C. Marshall, J. Allan
E84 DEFAULT ATR-IR Jutta Kröhnert
D102 DEFAULT ATR-IR of S83 C. Marshall
I178 DEFAULT Thermoelement Datenlogger Pico instruments
I177 DEFAULT MassFlowController F-201C-RAA-33-V (1000 ml/min He) Bronkhorst
I176 DEFAULT MassFlowController F-201C-RAA-11-V (200 ml/min H2) Bronkhorst
I175 DEFAULT Auswerte- und Regelsystem HI-TEC Flow-Bus Bronkhorst
I174 DEFAULT Drehrohr-Pendelofen XERION Advanced Heating
E83 DEFAULT UTP Carbon Gregor Koch
D101 DEFAULT TEM of S86 K. Dembélé, B. Alkan, C. Marshall
D100 DEFAULT NH3 decomp. 28102022_Nr3 Method
G16 DEFAULT Ammonia 5.0 Ammoniak 5.0
I173 DEFAULT Ammonia (NH3) - Mass flow controller (MFC) - 200 ml/min Bronkhorst
I172 DEFAULT USB-Nano-485 convertor CTI
I171 DEFAULT Type K Thermocouple Electrotherm
I170 DEFAULT PICO TC-08 Pico Technology
I169 DEFAULT Temperaturregler 2-Kanal E-Kab. #4366 EUROTHERM
I168 DEFAULT Two position actuator control module (VICI) VICI (Valco Instruments Co. Inc.)
I167 DEFAULT NH3 detector (Binos 1.2, IR detector, Rosemount) ROSEMOUNT
I166 DEFAULT Reactor Oven (Klappofen) 1100°C LK1100-45-240-1 HTM Reetz GmbH
I165 DEFAULT Ammonia (NH3) - Mass flow controller (MFC) 300 ml/min Bronkhorst
I164 DEFAULT Ammonia (NH3) - Mass flow controller (MFC) 30 ml/min Bronkhorst
I163 DEFAULT Argon (Ar) - Mass flow controller (MFC) - (for Nitrogen) Bronkhorst
I162 DEFAULT Ethylene (C2H4) - Mass flow controller (MFC) - (for Hydrogen) Bronkhorst
I161 DEFAULT Carbon dioxide (CO2) - Mass flow controller (MFC) - (for Argon) Bronkhorst
D99 DEFAULT S84 Haber NH3 Decomposition - 2.5 Ni-MgO B. Alkan, C. Marshall
S86 DEFAULT Spent of S84 (2.5 % Ni-MgO) B. Alkan, C. Marshall
S84 DEFAULT Sieve fraction of S83 (2.5 % Ni-MgO) M. Ertegi
S83 DEFAULT Calcined 2.5 at.% Ni-doped MgO C. Marshall
S82 DEFAULT Ni2.5%-MgO precursor C. Marshall
E82 DEFAULT Haber Reactor [updated since 11.08.2023] Baris Alkan, A. B. NgO
E81 DEFAULT Haber Reactor [updated since 05.09.2022] Baris Alkan, A. B. NgO
E80 DEFAULT Haber Reactor (since 01.01.2022) B. Alkan, A. B. Ngo